I'm getting quite tired of seeing this screen:
Spending this afternoon writing at Einstein's Bros. Bagels. I was going to post on the NaNo forums that I'm here for the next couple hours. However, the site is being so stinking slow again. AAAGH!
As of this very second, I'm at 4,524, but I've got another 45 minutes worth of writing to do before I have to leave.
Got to get that timer going and bump up my 10-minute speed writing. I've been averaging about 370 words every 10 minutes which is just sad in comparison to what I was writing last year--around 550-600 words in 10 minutes. :rolleyes:
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Oh so slow
Posted by
2:51 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 2 is muddled through
Once again, I was unable to write all day until well near 10:00 p.m. For some reason, I was possessed with the desire to fold ALL the laundry. Oh well. At least that's done! We writers need a clean workspace, right?
I found myself incredibly tired tonight, so I got the timer out and did four 10-minute timed writings. By the end of the last one, my body had slid to a nearly completely prone position. Must be time for bed.
It was a good night for the story though. Plot is moving along just fine. I'm anxious for her to get to the circus, and it looks like it should happen in the next section/chapter.
Dali spent this chapter traveling through the trammin station, which turned out to be a sort of train station with these weird pods that hang from a string of electricity like a Japanese lantern. Established her ability to see dreams well. This should be a fun aspect to explore.
I managed to get down 1695 today. I suppose I could go back and write five more words to make it an even 1700. Nia would do that. But me? Well, I'm working on diminishing my OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), so I think I'll just head out to dreamland myself.
Words to date: 3,851
Words to go: 46,149
Posted by
11:24 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
End of day 1, with a nice cushion
It's the end of day 1, November 1. I did write a little bit after midnight last night, but it only amounted to about 380 words. I made quick work of my 2,000-word goal this evening. Breached that mark by a little actually. This gives me a nice cushion for tomorrow. If I can break the usual 1,667 words tomorrow too, that gives me a cushion for Saturday.
I discovered that Dali isn't nearly as cynical as I thought she was--which is good because I don't want to get tired of her. ;o) Anyway, she's learned about the circus from the mailman, Mr. Benson, and she's decided to take the trannin (whatever that is!) to the Metro (wherever that is!). But that is an adventure for tomorrow because midnight approaches.
Words to date: 2,156
Words to go: 47,844
Posted by
11:57 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Ready, set, go!
November 1 snuck up on me this year. For the last two years I've anticipated that first day of writing with much anticipation. But for some reason, this year's firing bullet has eluded my mind completely. Well, not completely. I've been thinking "NaNoWriMo starts Thursday!" all week, but it was only this evening, as I was putting on my pajamas that I realized, "Oh! Thursday is TOMORROW!"
So here I sit in bed now, waiting for the stroke of midnight so I can put down the first line that came to me this week. Can't write it now though. That would be against the rules. ;o)
Words to date: 0
Words to go: 50,000
Posted by
11:44 PM